الاثنين، 27 فبراير 2012

Chichele Professorship of Public International Law

University of Oxford

Chichele Professorship of Public International Law

University of Oxford - Faculty of Law in association with All Souls College

The Oxford Faculty of Law is a major centre for the study of international law.  The Chichele Professorship is at the centre of the University's strength in this field. The Professorship is a position of senior leadership in the discipline, in Oxford and worldwide.
The Chichele Professor of Public International Law will play a major role, on behalf of the University of Oxford, in nurturing and developing the intellectual climate of legal studies, by publication and teaching, and by participation in the wider scholarly life of the subject.
The start date is expected be 1 October 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter

Please see the further particulars at http://www.ox.ac.uk/about_the_university/jobs/fp/ for more details about the post and for full instructions before making an application. Applications, including a covering letter and full CV, and naming three referees should be received no later than Monday 2 April 2012, by Dr Gwen Booth, Personnel Officer, Senior Appointments (email: professorships@admin.ox.ac.uk). If you have a query about how to apply, please contact Mrs Elaine Eastgate (email: professorships@admin.ox.ac.uk; tel: 01865 280189).
Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford.

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